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flamecon 2024!

august 24 2024

flamecon was last weekend! i'm currently getting things together to move next week (which i'm sure i'll make a post about after it's done and i'm all settled in my new place), but i wanted to post my flamecon haul + some thoughts on how it was this year before i forget!

* note! : i've done my best to go through and find links to everyone i got stuff from, but there's a couple things that i can't remember the artist of! if you know them, please leave a comment so i can add their credit here!

stuff i got @ flamecon!


other things:



my flamecon reflections!

this year was my fifth year (!!!) at flamecon. it was my first big convention back in 2018, when i was just a little baby comic artist with a print display stand made of two baking trays taped together. (seriously, that was my display for the first year or so i was tabling.)

last year i spent 90% of the con hiding under my table with an awful migraine (huge shoutout to my friend emma, who pretended to be me while i was dying of headaches last year & again so i could walk around this year) so i don't have much of a comparison of how this year was vs last year. that said, it seemed like the con was pretty slow to me this year overall. i sold a lot of stickers but hardly any books/zines/comics. (granted, i also hardly bought any comics, but that's because i'm moving at the end of august and i already have like 50 boxes worth of books to move lmao.) i still made back what i spent on the con, so i suppose i can't complain too much, but i hope next year brings slightly better sales!

overall, though, the vibes at flamecon are always great, and it was super nice to see so many friends! a ton of people who came up to my table said they've bought my stuff at previous cons, or have followed me online for a while, which was absolutely lovely, and one person even brought their copy of haunts for me to sign. i did a lot more trades this year than i usually do, too, and got some really cool stickers out of it!

i had so much fun, and i can't wait to do flamecon again next year! thanks so much to everyone who stopped by my table! ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

p.s. i've been thinking about writing a blog post about my convention set-up / tabling tips / how i fit all my con supplies in a carry-on so i don't have to spend $$$$ shipping things to the convention — is that something people would be interested in? let me know!

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