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weeknotes #4

july 13 2024   /   <~ previous week

currently...    ->     it's a very sleepy sort of saturday, so this might be a shorter post than usual / listening to you are good talking about raw (2016) / reading the language of the night by ursula k le guin / eating a croissant / drinking an iced lavender latte

july, week 2

working on:

  • 🛍 i'm hoping to open up my online shop again soon to raise money for moving costs! stay tuned for that, hopefully in the next week or so?
  • 🌌 artfight -> follow me @haunting!
  • 🌟 chipping away at the deck of spirits project, albeit slowly!
  • 📝 i went to a writing workshop night last week & got some pages written of a comic script i outlined ages ago! not a whole lot of pages, but still progress.

general life stuff:

  • 🧵 i'm sewing a dress currently! i started 4 days ago & it's almost done, and i'm super proud of how it's turning out, especially considering 1. i've never made a whole garment from scratch before, 2. i wasn't working from a pattern, & 3. i still haven't taken the time to figure out my sewing machine, so i'm sewing it all by hand. hopefully by next week's notes i'll have finished pictures to post for y'all!
  • 🏚 still apartment hunting :/

listening to:

obligatory self promo bit:

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